If you have already taken college courses or worked on a college degree, this is probably how you did it. First you picked the college then you enrolled in the course(s). Source: Your Future is Calling University -> Major 1 -> Major 2 -> Major 3 -> Degree -> Look for a job->Hope job fits “who you are”
The BUZZ Today shows how you are likely to have made your education choices in the past. Notice this decision starts with picking the school first, then what you are going to study, followed finally by the degree. If this has been your experience please raise your hand (virtually).
At this point you are probably thinking “of course this is how I did it. How else would you do it?” I will answer that question in a moment, but first let’s look at this decision making process in more detail.
You probably picked the university first because of something about the university – it’s location near you, in state, it’s where your friend went, it had a good football team etc etc. The decision looks innocent enough. What we will see over the next string of posts is that this decision first is in fact loaded with all kinds of dangers and pitfalls that are not obvious at all.
For now, I want to suggest that a far better way to make this decision is also in Your Future is Calling. That decision process is:
Who You Are -> Career -> Major -> University -> Degree -> Find the Job that Fits Who You Are
Over the next several weeks I invite you to join me at this blog to explore some of the important implications of this new approach. I assure you it will be well worth your while to explore with me why these choices are so important to your future.
As a departing idea here let me briefly return to the university selection decision shown in the BUZZ Today. I suspect that when I said that your decision to enroll at a particular university was based on it’s location, it’s where a friend went, it had a good football team etc.,. you thought “yeah, what about it?”
For right now I want to leave you with the thought that the things I listed were all about the university. They were not about you.
More to follow. Join me further down the road at a future post.
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