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50% to 65% Off List Price – SALE!
The headline today is one you would expect to see from an aggressive retailer promoting an out of season sale on pants and shirts. The surprising thing is that this headline is about tuition and fees at American Colleges and Universities. The information applies to Four Year Public Universities, Four Year Private Nonprofit Universities and Private For-Profit Universities.
2012 – 2013 Tuition and Fees
Published Net Discount
$8,660 $ 2,910 66% Public Four Year in State
$29,060 $13,380 54% Private Nonprofit Four Year
$15,170 $ 4,950 67% Private For-Profit Four Year
In the BUZZ Today data we can see a number of things about the cost of attending an American college or University. We can draw several important implications from the data.
First of all, which university you decide to attend has a very significant impact on the amount you will end up paying and in turn, the size of your student debt once you get your degree. Clearly attending a private or for-profit university represents several times the cost of an in state education. Just how much more it costs is not always obvious without the data. Details on published tuition and fees for every accredited college in America is available at COLLEGENavigator, a service of the US Department of Labor. How to interpret the extensive data available at that WEB site is available in Your Future is Calling.
The second important information in BUZZ Today is how much students are actually paying to get their education. There is a lot of attention paid to the increases in the published tuition and fees at universities. These are the numbers referenced when people say that college costs are increasing faster than the rate of inflation.
While these increases are real and not sustainable over the long run, they do reflect a challenge for learners like you and our nation. We cannot afford to have learning costs increasing at such a high rate.
But it is not the headline grabbing increases that I want to leave with you here. What is most important in this data is the SALE! stated in the headline of this post. Unlike the SALE sticker price on the tag attached to the pants and shirts in the retail store, the discount in education is not well publicized. Unless you ask, you will never know what the best price available for your education actually could be. This is extremely important when it comes to managing your student debt. But this information is even more important to your decision about which specific university to actually attend.
To manage this reality in your education decisions it is extremely important that you know the actual facts and every bit as important, what to do with those facts once you have them. For the to do list on how to mover forward, see the Your Future path in the pages of Your Future is Calling. In the end, it is indeed your future that you are determining.
Tuition Cost – What You Need to Know
Average Net Price – What Is It?
It is important that you fully understand tuition costs and pricing in higher education. All is not what it seems.
Few students pay the advertised tuition figure, known as the sticker price. Net price is what you’ll actually pay for college, after subtracting scholarships and grants.
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education. A high sticker price can scare students away from a specific college even though it might be a good fit for them. Look at net price, not the sticker price. A high sticker price can scare students away from a specific college even though it might be a good fit for them. Look at net price, not the sticker price. Few students pay the advertised tuition figure, known as the sticker price. Net price is what you’ll actually pay for college, after subtracting scholarships and grants.
An education is an important thing to have these days. Unfortunately higher education is less than fully transparent about what an education costs. For those of you who may not be familiar with it, The Chronicle of Higher Education is the premiere publication of college and universities. Professors and college administrators go to The Chronicle for the latest important news in American Colleges and Universities.
The BUZZ Today message is clear. If you do not know that few students pay the full price, you well could end up spending more money for your education than you need to. The good news is that there is excellent information on how many current students are getting financial help at a college or university that you are interested in. The source is COLLEGE Navigator
The challenge for you as a prospective student is to navigate the huge data base of college information in COLLEGE Navigator. For help with the navigation see chapter Chapter 9 “How to Select the Right School” in the book “Your Future is Calling“.