Coming Soon

LearnProsper will soon come to you in an all new format. This valuable source of content on Careers and Colleges will have weekly posts of 50 words or less and the entire data base will be searchable. This will give you bite sized nuggets as well … [Read more]

The Rest of the Story

It is a popular press story line to question the value of a college degree. On Thursday, November 20, 2014, CNN aired a two-hour special titled, “Ivory Tower: Is College Worth the Cost?” Stories like this one are often mixed in with the scare … [Read more]

Career and Graduation – Less About the College You Pick

College, major – major – major, degree, job. This is the usual sequence college graduates have taken to get an education. It’s backwards. Here’s why.[aside]THE PAYOEF TO ATTENDING A MORE SELECTIVE COLLEGE: Students who attended more selective … [Read more]

Yes – a College Degree Is Worth It

Worth It? Worthless? Worth Less?  All three questions need answered as you make decisions about your future. These questions are important because confusion abounds.  [aside] Source: Chronicle of Higher Education   “As of April, 2014, the … [Read more]